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Plus, read about the breakthrough results yoga teachers and studio owners have been getting by applying what they learned in this mini-course!

“Fantastic webinar! I would encourage everyone to use Amy's tools as a core model and expand the application as your practice grows. Love this community! Namaste.” - Anna Watson

“I set up my series for Jan. 21st for four weeks! Thank you, Amy for the tools to actually make it happen! I am so excited and inspired! I seriously cannot thank you enough! xo” - Amanda Meehan

“Our Beginner Series enrollment number was up to 17 and our original cap was 15, we thought ‘oh, whats 2 more’. Now the studio owner just sent a text to see if 20 would be OK!” - Nan Hartsell Vuncannon

“Amy, Thanks for the webinar! I am really excited to get into the studio on Monday and schedule my first beginner's series.” - Darcy Elman

Awesome Webinar Amy! Thank you for presenting from both the perspectives of the studio and the individual teacher. Great balance!” - Vicki Tarrant

“I'm so JAZZED to be a part of this launch with all of you!!! Beginning my 6 week series mid-Jan.!! Studio space secured, website up and running, postcards are out, potential students are getting excited, one student registered already, and still 4 weeks before start date! (I did all of this in two weeks!???) THANK YOU Amy for the motivation and INSPIRATION! Your webinar has ROCKED my world - I'm actually doing the work that I LOVE! xo” - Vila Maya King

“Awesome webinar - learned so much! I feel much better prepared for opening day...” - Maria Delgado Richardson

“So helpful... thank you so much. All of the courses have been extremely helpful and inspiring (and stress relieving ;)” - Janelle Fleur Kroon

Thursday evening session is now FULL!!!! I have started a wait list...YAY!” -Kimberly Bragg Werner

I am on a yoga high! I just had my first class of my six-week beginner series and the place was packed! We ran out of mats! Only four people had officially registered, so I wasn't expecting very many, but they just kept coming! I was so nervous because I am a relatively new teacher and have never done a beginner series. And I'm new to the area and don't know the community yet. But it went really well and people seemed excited about next week. I couldn't have been able to do this without Amy and this program. Thank you everyone for being an inspiration!”  - Randi Kay Martin

“It's happening! My series starts next Wednesday. Class is full and I have started a waiting list for the next 6 week series! I asked my students to fill out questionnaires online so that I can review them before classes begin... good thing because it's giving me time to research health issues I am not familiar with. It's not only allowing me to connect with my students before I meet them, it's reinforcing my belief that our responsibility as yoga teachers is to share this gift with EVERYONE we can get our hands on! There are people in serious NEED of yoga out there. Again - thanks Amy, you're brilliant for recognizing this need, creating an easy to follow format to inspire teachers and beginners, and for the huge support of the Facebook group to help all of us make it happen!” - Vila Maya King

“Thank you so, so much, Amy. My first Beginner Course is starting on the 18th and it booked out completely, so I put on a second course to accommodate a few people who didn't get into the first one. It turns out that the second course booked out as well. I cannot believe it, 30 new students who want to give yoga a shot, it's so exciting. Couldn't have done it without you Amy and all the great ideas and tips from everyone in this group.” - Sibylle Dallmann

“My Elements of Yoga series began tonight. Our small space can hold ten tight but I opted to only allow six. I had three beautiful new yoginis show up to the mat. I almost cried with joy. It was my very first class in my new space. What a treat! Thank you so much, Amy, for your workshop. I was a nervous wreck until 6pm and now I'm floating on a yoga cloud. And celebrating with a glass of red. Being a part of this group also gave me ideas that made planning much easier. Namaste y'all!” - Amanda Powell-Wooten

"Oh. My. Goddess! So....I sold out my class! It starts on February 4th so I thought 'Hey Sandi, why not offer a second session on those same days in February and see what happens?' So, I opened the next class up on my site this morning...and people are already booking it! This tells me people are hungry for yoga, but we have obviously sent out a message that not every one is 'yoga material.' Amy's script for marketing this class is pure inspiration...and maybe a little genius mixed in thar too...Smooch! - Sandi Burden